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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 思想政治教育    






















 Research on patriotic education of college students with red culture as the carrier in the new era    


 红色文化 ; 爱国主义 ; 爱国主义教育 ; 载体    


  red culture ; patriotism ; patriotic education ; ; carrier    








In the new era, in the face of the new world, national and party conditions, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the party and government attach great importance to the utilization of red resources and the inheritance of red genes, and the construction of red culture has achieved fruitful results. All localities have taken the construction of red culture as an opportunity to actively promote patriotic education at all levels of society, focusing on young students. Colleges and universities in various regions actively explore the practical path of integrating red culture into the education system of different colleges and universities, and focus on vigorously carrying out patriotic education through diversified red culture construction activities. In addition, the academic circles have also carried out in-depth research on how to give full play to the educational function of red culture in patriotic education, and have achieved good results. However, it cannot be ignored that the basic theoretical research on the integration of patriotic education and red culture is still insufficient, and there are still few studies that systematically explore red culture as a carrier of patriotic education. Therefore, this paper attempts to take the cultural carrier of patriotic education as the research perspective, take the intrinsic relationship between red culture and college students' patriotic education as the starting point, follow the basic logic of "principle explanation-status quo analysis-countermeasure suggestions", and follow the analysis structure of "total-score-total", and explore a series of important issues such as what patriotic education for college students with red culture as the carrier is, how, and how to deal with the challenges of the new era. The paper has four parts:

The first is the exposition of relevant concepts and theoretical foundations, which not only preliminarily defines important concepts such as red culture, patriotism and patriotic education, but also clarifies the relevant theoretical context, among which the interpretation of red culture by the older generation of revolutionaries, Xi Jinping's important expositions on cultural education and the theory of ideological and political education process provide a solid theoretical foundation for research.

Secondly, the basic basis, mode of action and typical style of promoting patriotic education of college students with red culture as the carrier were preliminarily explored. In the new era, it is necessary to promote the patriotic education of college students with red culture as the carrier, on the one hand, because although red culture and patriotic education of college students are two relatively independent cultural subsystems, there are many differences in content and form, but in terms of the fundamental purpose and development direction of the two, the patriotic education of college students and the inheritance of red culture have a high degree of compatibility, and there are many integrations; On the other hand, because the patriotic education of college students in the new era needs to increase the red culture factor, while enhancing the effectiveness, it also provides another important way for the inheritance and development of red culture. When red culture becomes the cultural carrier of college students' patriotic education, it directly acts on the subject and object, content and whole process of college students' patriotic education. Its typical styles mainly include language and writing with the theme of red culture, mass media, venue architecture, role models, theatrical performances, festivals, etc.

Thirdly, through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of college students' patriotic education with red culture as the carrier in the new era, it is found that although great achievements have been made, college students' awareness of red culture still needs to be improved, the use of red resources in colleges and universities still needs to be optimized, and the effect of patriotic education for college students with red culture needs to be improved. The main reasons for the poor educational effect of red culture in college students' patriotic education are the marginal situation of red culture in cyberspace, the impact and challenge of heterogeneous culture on red culture, the weakening of the subjective initiative of college students by utilitarian tendencies, and the obstruction of the integration of red culture into college students' patriotic education.

Finally, corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the existing problems: the patriotic education of college students in the new era should pay attention to the digitization of red culture as an opportunity to occupy the "new classroom" of cyberspace, take red culture as the main line to create a "new environment" of patriotic education, use red culture to lead practical activities to stimulate students' learning "internal drive", and improve the efficiency of the use of red culture in ideological and political theory courses to smooth the main channel of patriotic education for college students.

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