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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 Lenin's thought of ideological leadership and its contemporary enlightenment    


 列宁 ; 意识形态 ; 领导权 ; 当代启示    


 Lenin ; Ideology ; Leadership ; Contemporary Enlightenment    








Ideological leadership is an important concept in the study of Marxist ideology and an important part of the study of the basic principles of Marxism. Mastering ideological leadership is a powerful grasp of the national superstructure and a political guarantee for promoting national construction and development. Marxist classical writers have been committed to the theoretical summary and practical exploration of ideological leadership. On the basis of summing up the experience and lessons of the Paris Commune, Marx and Engels clarified the importance of ideological leadership to the proletarian revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the construction of the proletarian state. In particular, Marx made a new exploration of the socialist development path of the backward eastern countries in his later years, which provided theoretical guidance for Lenin to explore the new path of the Russian revolution. Therefore, how to build the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological field in the process of the Russian revolution has become the ideological premise and practical goal of Lenin's proletarian revolutionary thought.


At present, domestic and foreign scholars' research on Lenin's ideological leadership thought is mainly divided into two aspects: one is structural research, and the other is content research. Throughout the domestic and foreign academic circles on the overall situation of Lenin's ideological leadership thought research can be seen, first, the connotation of ideological leadership needs to be further deepened; second, the historical status of Lenin 's ideological leadership needs to be clarified. This paper focuses on the in-depth study of Lenin's ideological leadership from these two aspects. The specific research ideas and frameworks are as follows:


This paper interprets Lenin 's thought of ideological leadership, follows its practical logic in terms of leadership subject, theoretical guidance and practical methods, and goes deep into the practice of the Russian revolution and the socialist construction of the Soviet Union, and clarifies Lenin 's thought of ideological leadership, that is, the thinking mode of ' practical subject-theoretical guidance-realization mode '. Grasp the practical significance and contemporary enlightenment of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought, and lay the foundation for defending socialist ideology under the guidance of Marxism to gather social ideological consensus and deal with new risks and new challenges in the field of ideology at home and abroad.


The first part summarizes the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on related issues, grasps the research progress and research horizon, and expounds the necessity, importance and practicality of studying Lenin 's ideological leadership thought. The second part analyzes and grasps the theoretical basis and related concepts of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought, and on this basis, discusses the basic discussion of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought. The third part is to grasp the main content and methodological principles of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought in the process of theory and practice, so as to deepen the understanding of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought. The fourth part grasps the practical path of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought through the concrete practice of Lenin 's strengthening ideological leadership. The fifth part, from the diachronic point of view, deeply grasps the deepening logic and the development path of the Chinese Communists ' ideological leadership of Lenin 's ideology. From a synchronic perspective, a comparative analysis of Western Marxist scholars on the development of Lenin 's ideological leadership, as well as their creative ideological leadership related ideas. On the basis of enriching and developing the connotation of ideological leadership, we should strengthen the truth and value of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought. The sixth part deeply explores the practical significance of Lenin 's ideological leadership thought and its enlightenment to China 's ideological work. Combined with the new development and new requirements of the current era, guided by Marxism, we should strengthen the proletarian party 's firm grasp of ideological leadership, and innovate the new situation and new realm of the party 's ideological theory and practice.


Lenin's thought of ideological leadership is rich in connotation and far-reaching. It is the unity of truth and value. It is forged in the revolutionary practice of proletarian political parties. It has the practical role of guiding proletarian political parties to carry out ideological construction, play political functions, and maintain political power and national security. Therefore, we must grasp the depth, thickness, breadth and validity of Lenin's ideological leadership thought, use Lenin's ideological leadership thought to guide our ideological work, and strive to achieve the common value goal of the party and the people's socialist modernization power construction and regime construction.

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