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 教育学 - 体育学 - 体育教育训练学    






















 The Influence of coach's service-oriented leadership behavior on college tennis players' satisfaction in training competition    


 教练员 ; 服务型领导 ; 网球 ; 满意度    


  Coach ; Servant leadership ; Tennis ; Satisfaction    








Research purpose: To explore the effect and mechanism of coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior on college tennis players' training and Competition Satisfaction; To study whether trust variables play an intermediary role between coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior and training satisfaction.


Research methods: This paper adopts the methods of scale test, mathematical statistics, literature and logical analysis. The data were processed by statistical methods such as Cronbach coefficient, cross sample validity test and multiple linear regression analysis.


Research object: The university tennis players who participated in the 25th China Collegiate Tennis Championship (Finals) and the 20th China University "President's Cup" Tennis Tournament A, B, C and D were the subjects of the study. The sample source is the collegiate tennis players who participated in the 25th China University Tennis Championships (Finals) and the 20th China University "President's Cup" tennis competition. 212 questionnaires were distributed and 201 valid questionnaires were withdrawn. A total of 696 tennis players participated in the finals, and most of the 201 tennis players in the sample were the top eight players in the competition. These include 142 boys and 59 girls, with an average age of 20 years and 1 tennis player of national level or above; 29 national first-class tennis players; 152 national second-class tennis players; There are 19 people who have not set the level of tennis or are missing from the level.


Results: 1 The overall Cronbach of coach service leadership behavior scale is 0.913; Fitting index x2 = 145.103 (P = 0.000), DF = 51, X2 / DF = 2.845, RMSEA = 0.096, CFI = 0.981, IFI = 0.919, NFI = 0.880. The overall Cronbach of "athletes' trust in coaches" is 0.942; Fitting index x2 = 120.849 (P = 0.000), DF = 32, X2 / DF = 3.777, RMSEA = 0.098, CFI = 0.913, IFI = 0.914, NFI = 0.887. The overall Cronbach of the training competition satisfaction scale is 0.768; x2 =121.895(P=0.000),df=14,x2/df=4.114,RMSEA=0.094,CFI=0.742,IFI=0.746,NFI=0.729。 2. The standardized partial regression coefficient of coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior B coefficient = 0.791, P = 0.000. 3. In the intermediary test of coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior on Training Competition Satisfaction, the regression coefficients are 0.791 * * *, 0.788 * * *, 0.166 / 0.794 * * * respectively.


Research conclusions: 1 Coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior has a positive impact on the training and Competition Satisfaction of college tennis players. Among them, the dimensions of vision, service and authorization have a positive impact on the training and Competition Satisfaction of college tennis players. 2. College tennis players' trust in coaches plays an intermediary role in the relationship between coaches' service-oriented leadership behavior and college tennis players' training and competition satisfaction. Among them, the trust of college tennis players in coaches plays an intermediary role in the relationship between the vision dimension of coaches' service-oriented leadership and training and Competition Satisfaction, in the relationship between service dimension and training and Competition Satisfaction, and in the relationship between authorization dimension and training and competition satisfaction.

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