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 Longitudinal tracking study on the physical health level of the 2019-2021 college students in Xi'an University of Electronic Science and    


 普通大学生 ; 体质测试 ; 体质健康 ; 身体形态 ; 身体机能 ; 身体素质    


 college students ; physical fitness test ; physical health ; body shape ; body function ; physical quality    

















In the past two decades, national physical health has become a research hotspot, and improving national physical health has risen to the national development strategy. As the cornerstone of future social development, college students' physical health has become the focus of national and social attention. According to the relevant data, the physical health of college students in China has decreased significantly. It is particularly important to establish good health habits during college, so as to lay a good foundation for students to achieve excellent results in their future work.

Objective: in recent years, the state has issued a large number of physical health-related documents to improve students' physical health, but with little effect. Students are well aware of the importance of exercise, but due to various factors, they can not reasonably arrange time for exercise. Through the longitudinal tracking of the physical fitness test of the students of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and technology from 2019 to 2021, this paper finds out the physical changes of the students of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and technology during school, analyzes the factors affecting the students' physical health, and puts forward reasonable suggestions. It aims to stimulate students' enthusiasm and enthusiasm for exercise, improve students' physical health level, and lay the foundation for lifelong physical exercise.

This paper uses the methods of literature, logical analysis, mathematical statistics and physical fitness test to longitudinally track the physical fitness test results of students (about 15870 people) of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and technology in recent three sessions. The research conclusions are as follows:

(1) The body shape of 2019-2021 students. With the continuous improvement of students' living standards, the height of students has been increasing for four years. The height increase range of three students is roughly the same. The weight of three male students has been increasing for four years, and there is little change for girls, indicating that girls pay more attention to body management during college.

(2) The physical function of 2019-2021 students. The vital capacity index of boys keeps rising with the influence of age and weight. Girls strengthen physical management during college, and the vital capacity fluctuates up and down.

(3) The physical quality of students from 2019 to 2021. Affected by the school's strengthening of physical punch in, the performance of students in 2020 has improved, and the explosive quality and strength quality have been improved. The speed quality and strength quality of students in 2019 and 2021 have continued to decline for four years, the endurance quality of students in three years has continued to decline, and the flexibility and toughness quality has remained basically unchanged for four years.

According to the changes of students' physical health in Xi'an University of Electronic Science and technology, the following suggestions are put forward: (1) regularly carry out self-health management lectures to strengthen students' awareness of exercise; (2) Carry out health education for students and change their lifestyle; (3) Form a family centered exercise place and cultivate a good family training atmosphere; (4) Organize daily sports competitions and increase the number of sports activities; (5) Formulate reasonable work and rest time and form correct values; (6) Publicize the idea of "health first" and gradually improve the campus sports culture; (7) Regularly inspect sports infrastructure and increase capital investment

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