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 经济学 - 应用统计    






















 Application of Data Mining Technology in Intelligent Transportation    


 数据挖掘 ; 智慧城市 ; 车流量预测 ; 伴随车辆发现    


 Data Mining ; Smarter Cities ; Traffic Forecast ; Accompanying Vehicle Discovery    





The continuous development of cities has led to the emergence of Smarter Cities. As the most important part of Smarter Cities, Intelligent Transportation is used to solve problems such as traffic congestion caused by developing economy and rising population. The traditional traffic management model can not keep up with the pace of rapid development. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a traffic management mode that can better meet the needs of modern traffic management. The article discusses the application of data mining technology in Intelligent Transportation. Data mining and the development of Intelligent Transportation complement each other. On the one hand, data mining is an important means to realize and develop Intelligent Transportation. In order to obtain effective information from a number of data in Intelligent Transportation, we must fully rely on data mining technology. On the other hand, the massive data generated by Intelligent Transportation, including important data such as road condition information and vehicle information, has also promoted the development of data mining technology to a certain extent. It can be seen that the practical application of data mining technology is the foundation of Intelligent Transportation construction and meeting the needs of traffic management, and Intelligent Transportation construction is the channel for the application and development of data mining technology.


Based on the traffic situation of Puning city of Guangdong Province in recent years, the paper analyzes the necessity of the development of Intelligent Transportation under the background of big data by applying the concept and technology of data mining, expounds the functional characteristics of Intelligent Transportation generated with the help of data mining. This paper studies the short-term traffic flow prediction, vehicle portrait and criminal gang vehicle mining under the background of Intelligent Transportation, it aims to provide decision-making opinions for the new traffic demand in the new era. First of all, this paper analyzes and studies the existing short-term traffic flow prediction technology based on the characteristics of traffic data, and based on this, a combined model of wavelet packet and least squares support vector machine is applied to the short-term traffic flow prediction. From the prediction results, it can be seen that the combined model has higher accuracy and lower time complexity than the single model. Second, based on the existing traffic data, K-means clustering is used to analyze the regular behavior patterns of vehicles, and all vehicles are clustered into four categories, including the vehicles that hide by day and come out at night, which helps the police to identify suspicious vehicles to a certain extent. Third, it is divided into two parts: track similarity mining and accompanying vehicle discovery. In this part, a calculation method of trajectory similarity is proposed. According to the characteristics of accompanying relationship, this paper digs out the vehicles that form the accompanying relationship with the designated vehicles, and assists the police to detect Gang cases. Finally, this paper summarizes the advantages of applying data mining technology to Intelligent Transportation, and believes that data mining technology will contribute to the development and popularization of Intelligent Transportation in the future.

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