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 哲学 - 哲学 - 马克思主义哲学    






















 The ontological dimension of Marx's critical theory of Fetishism    


 拜物教 ; 存在论 ; 抽象 ; 物化 ; 意识形态 ; 共产主义    


 Critical theory of fetishism ; Ontology ; Abstract ; Materialization ; Ideology ; Communism    





The critical theory of fetishism is an important component of Marx's political and economic criticism, and an important entry point for Marx's critical research on capitalism. From a research perspective, Western Marxist researchers generally regard it as the theoretical source of contemporary capitalist social criticism, which is to interpret it as an anatomical theory of capitalist economic alienation. This article believes that Marx's critical theory of fetishism not only reveals the capitalist mode of production and production relations that are hidden under the economic categories of commodities, currency, capital, etc., but also presents the survival state of people in capitalist society where "individuals are under abstract domination". Its theory points to "realistic individuals" that operate under certain historical production relations. Marx's criticism of social reality integrates historical and ontological dimensions, so studying the critical theory of fetishism requires us to explore its secret about human existence from the perspective of "ontology". Based on the above analysis, this article aims to illustrate how Marx's critical theory of fetishism highlights the "overall ontological facts" of "Capital Theory" and reveals the survival situation of human beings under the logic of capital, starting from the dual clues of fetishism with objective formal provisions and fetishism presented as subjective ideology, by combing the content and context of the text, And it is clear that the fundamental starting point of Marxist philosophy lies in the "real individual", and its fetishistic theory is the scientific demonstration path presented by the "ontology" in the context of political and economic criticism.


This article is mainly divided into three parts. In the first part, starting from the objective formal attribute of fetishism, it is demonstrated that the materialization phenomenon of the relationship between people as the relationship between things is a fundamental existential issue in Marx's political and economic criticism. Abstract nature is the main feature of formal capitalist social relations and the fundamental source of the mysterious nature of fetishism. The analysis of abstract issues requires us to start from the simplest and most abstract element of Marx's philosophy - commodity form, because it not only contains the key to unlocking the issue of abstract nature, but also best reflects the historical content of Marx's critical vision. Secondly, materialization is the external manifestation of the ruling power of abstract forms of fetishism, and without this link, the social effectiveness of fetishism cannot be realistically demonstrated. At the same time, Marx's theory of the objective existence of human beings has fully and forcefully analyzed the premise of the materialization phenomenon, and the change from the mode of objective existence to the employment of labor in capitalist society has revealed the ontological meaning of fetishism criticism from the perspective of historical materialism. The second part analyzes the ideological nature of fetishism, that is, fetishism is not only a materialistic social reality with objective effectiveness, but also a subjective sense of fetishism, and this abstract concept is actually derived from the inverted reality under the capitalist order. On the one hand, people have incorporated fetishism into the structure of life in their daily lives and behaviors, and they themselves express unconscious and rational identification with this phenomenon, which makes it more difficult to detect and eliminate the inversion and masking of materialization forms. On the other hand, due to their narrow vision, bourgeois political economics can only be trapped in the scope of appearances limited by fetishism, and regard commodity exchange as the eternal law of social production. Therefore, their economic theories also possess an ideological nature that defends the capitalist mode of production. The third part discusses the dual path of eliminating fetishism in connection with Marx's political and economic criticism and class revolutionary consciousness. On the one hand, it discusses the dissolution of fetishism ideology from the awakening of class consciousness as individuals attempt to escape the domination and control of capitalist society, and on the other hand, it discusses the dissolution of fetishism's material form from the self disintegration caused by the duality and contradiction of capital logic.

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