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 医学 - 生物医学工程    


















 Multimodal Imaging Study on the Effect of Sleep Deprivation and Dexmedetomidine on Brain Function    


 睡眠剥夺 ; 抑制控制 ; 右美托咪定 ; 功能连接 ; 纺锤波检测    


 Sleep deprivation ; inhibitory control ; dexmedetomidine ; functional connectivity ; sleep spindle detection    



首先,利用局部独立成分分析(masked Independent Component Analysis, mICA)方法研究24小时睡眠剥夺对海马亚区静息态功能连接的影响。海马在学习,记忆以及认知功能中起到至关重要的作用,但是海马不是一个单一的结构,海马不同亚区的功能连接受睡眠剥夺的影响还不清楚。本文使用mICA将左右海马划分为10个亚区,比较睡眠剥夺前后海马各亚区全脑功能连接的变化。研究发现睡眠剥夺后右侧前海马与左额下回、初级躯体感觉皮层以及视觉相关脑区之间的功能连接由负变正。此外,左侧后海马与左侧罗兰多岛盖部、双侧脑岛、左侧中央后回、听觉皮层、右侧距状回、双侧舌回以及双侧梭状回之间的功能连接在睡眠剥夺后亦显著增加。这些结果表明不同海马亚区的功能连接受睡眠剥夺的影响不同。

其次,本文利用停止信号任务(Stop Signal Task, SST)和任务态功能磁共振技术,研究睡眠剥夺损伤抑制控制能力的脑机制。本文首先比较了睡眠剥夺前后抑制控制任务中的行为表现和脑激活模式,发现睡眠剥夺显著降低了被试的抑制控制能力,且降低了抑制控制网络(额下回,辅助运动区,丘脑底核以及脑岛)和视觉相关皮层的激活强度;然后分析睡眠剥夺对脑区激活强度与抑制控制能力相关性的影响,发现双侧额下回、左侧丘脑底核以及左侧舌回的激活与抑制控制能力的相关性在睡眠剥夺之后发生显著变化。

上述研究发现睡眠剥夺会降低人们的抑制控制能力。而损伤的抑制控制能力会严重影响人们的日常生活。睡眠剥夺后抑制控制能力的降低会造成很严重的后果,能够准确地预测睡眠剥夺对抑制控制的影响可以提前规避危险。因此,本文使用基于体素的形态学分析方法(voxel based morphometry, VBM)以及机器学习的方法评估局部脑区的灰质体积对睡眠剥夺后抑制控制能力变化量(△SSRT)的预测效果。本文首先找到与△SSRT相关的脑区,然后提取出这些脑区的灰质体积,最后使用线性回归模型以及四折交叉验证评估预测效果,发现左侧额中回、右侧额下回岛盖部、左侧额下回三角部、右侧罗兰多区岛盖部、左侧辅助运动区、左侧海马、右侧舌回、右侧中央后回以及左侧颞中回这九个脑区可以准确的预测△SSRT。





Sleep alternates with wakefulness, accompanied by a loss of consciousness, and are involved in higher-order cognitive processes such as learning, memory and synaptic plasticity. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the differences in brain function between different arousal level and different levels of consciousness in order to understand the neural mechanism of sleep. This study investigated the effect of sleep deprivation on brain based on the resting-state functional connectivity, task-state activation patterns and prediction of behavior via structural data, and explored the changes of functional connectivity in brainstem and thalamus during dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness. Further, this present study estimated the validation of sleep spindle detection based on non-experts. The main findings in present study are as follows:


Firstly, this study used a masked independent component analysis to partition the hippocampus into ten small regions and investigated the changes in the functional connectivity with the whole brain after 24 hours of sleep deprivation in 40 normal young subjects. Increased functional connectivity was found between the right anterior hippocampus and left inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral postcentral gyrus (PoCG), bilateral precuneus and vision-related regions after sleep deprivation. Similar results were also identified between the left posterior hippocampus and the pars opercularis of left rolandic area, bilateral insula, left PoCG, left superior temporal gyrus, bilateral lingual gyrus and fusiform gyrus. These results reflect differential effects of sleep deprivation on the functional connectivity in specific hippocampal regions and provide new insights into the impact of sleep deprivation on the resting-state functional organization in the human brain.


Secondly, this study used fMRI to examine the effects of 24 h of sleep deprivation on cerebral activation during a stop-signal task in 20 normal young subjects. Behaviorally, subjects showed significantly delayed stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) following sleep deprivation. In addition, reduced cerebral activation was found in the stopping network (including the inferior frontal gyrus [IFG], supplementary motor area, subthalamic nucleus [STN] and insula) and vision-related regions (occipital cortex, lingual gyrus and fusiform gyrus) after sleep deprivation. These findings support the hypothesis that task-related activation in prefrontal cortex is particularly vulnerable to sleep deprivation. Furthermore, we observed significant interaction effects of state (sleep deprivation or rested wakefulness) with activation in bilateral IFG, left STN and left lingual gyrus on SSRT. In conclusion, sleep deprivation is associated with the deficits in inhibition-related neural activation and the altered correlation between SSRT and cerebral activation, especially in the bilateral IFG, left STN and left lingual gyrus.


Sleep deprivation for one night can impair the preformance of inhibition control. Poor response inhibition may profoundly interfere with the requirements of everyday life. Therefore, a decrease in response inhibition ability after sleep deprivation could have deleterious outcomes, and being able to predict the effect of sleep deprivation on inhibitory control could help avoid danger in the future. In this study, structural MRI data were used to predict the change in response inhibition performance (△SSRT) measured by a stop-signal task after 24 hours of sleep deprivation in 52 normal young subjects. For each subject, T1-weighted MRI data were acquired and the gray matter (GM) volumes were calculated using voxel-based morphometry analysis. First, the regions in which GM volumes correlated with △SSRT were explored. Then, features were extracted from these regions and the prediction process was performed using a linear regression model with four-fold cross-validation. We found that the GM volumes of the left middle frontal gyrus, pars opercularis of right inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis of left inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis of right rolandic area, left supplementary motor area, left hippocampus, right lingual gyrus, right postcentral gyrus and left middle temporal gyrus could predict the △SSRT with a low mean square error and a high Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the predicted and actual values. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that a linear combination of structural MRI data could accurately predict the change in response inhibition performance after SD.


Forthly, this study explored the effect of dexmedetomidine on the functional connectivity in brainstem and thalamus subregions based on the simultaneous EEG/fMRI data. All subjects underwent the simultaneous EEG/fMRI scaning and dexmedetomidine infusion. In order to evaluate the arousal level, the auditory stimuli consisted of the subject’s name were presented every 1 min throughout the second visit and subjects were instructed to press the left button with their right index finger. Behaviorally, all subjects have response to the auditory stimuli during baseline. Significant individual difference of the unconscious latency have been observed. In addition, this study partitioned brainstem into nine small regions using mICA and compared the brainstem subregions-to-whole-brain functional connectivity between wakefulness and dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness states. One subregion of brainstem which included the major arousal centers: periaquaductal gray (PAG) and laterodorsal tegmental area (LDT) exhibited significantly reduced functional connectivity with default mode network, frontoparietal network, supplementary motor area, postcentral gyrus and temporal cortex during dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness state. The increased functional connectivity between the brainstem noradrenergic centers and default mode network, frontoparietal network, hippocampus, thalamus, temporal cortex and cerebellum during dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness state. Furthermore, similar analyses were performed on thalamus. The reduced functional connectivity between the right mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and motor network, between right medial pulvinar and visual related regions and between left medioventral nucleus and right calcarine sulcus and right lingual gyrus during unconsciousness state. One subregion of thalamus which included the left central median nucleus and left mediodorsal nucleus also exhibited reduced functional connectivity with left middle cingulate cortex and left supplementary motor area during unconsciousness state. The left pulvinar showed reduced functional connectivity with various brain regions. However, the increased functional connectivity was observed between the right lateral pulvinar and right precuneus during unconsciousness state.


The above study investigated the changes of brain functional connectivity on fMRI data during dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness. For EEG, previous study have found that dexmedetomidine produces sleep spindles and sleep spindles were similar during dexmedetomidine sedation and normal sleep. Sleep spindles may be considered both as a physiological index of intellectual abilities and a marker of the capacity for learning. They may also have important supplementary diagnostic value. Therefore, it is imperative to accurately detect spindles. The present study described a method of using non-experts for manual detection of sleep spindles.We recruited five experts and 168 non-experts to manually identify spindles in N2 and N3 sleep data using a MATLAB interface. Scorers classified each spindle into definite and indefinite spindle (with weights of 1 and 0.5, respectively). First, a method of optimizing the thresholds of the expert/non-expert group consensus according to the results of experts and non-experts themselves is described. Using this method, we established expert and non-expert group standards from expert and non-expert scorers, respectively, and evaluated the performance of the non-expert group standards by compared with the expert group standard (termed EGS). The results indicated that the highest performance was the nonexpert group standard when definite spindles were only considered (termed nEGS-1). Second, four automatic spindle detection methods were compared with the EGS. We found that the performance of nEGS-1 versus EGS was higher than that of the four automated methods. Further, we found that six and nine non-experts were needed to manually identify spindles in stages N2 and N3, respectively, while maintaining acceptable performance of nEGS-1 versus EGS. In conclusion, this study establishes a detailed process for detection of sleep spindles by non-experts in a crowdsourcing scheme.


In summary, the functional connectivity pattern have significant chagnes in different arousla levels and different conscious staes. Sleep deprivation altered the functional connectivity in hippocampal subreigons, and caused significant declines in inhibition control ability and deficits in inhibition-related neural activation. The gray matter volumes of stopping network, somatosensory cortex and hippcampus could accurately predict the change in response inhibition performance after sleep deprivation. During the other arousal level dexmedetomidine-induced unconsciousness, the functional connectivity in brainstem and thalamus subregions have significant changes. Finally, this study established a detailed process for detection of sleep spindles by non-experts in crowdsourcing scheme.








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