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 卡特福德翻译转换理论指导下科技论文翻译实践报告—以《Landscape of IoT security》的汉译为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    






















 An EST Translation Report Under the Guidance of Translation Shifts Theory —Taking the Translation of Landscape of IoT security as an Example    


 物联网安全 ; 卡特福德 ; 翻译转换理论 ; 文本等值    


 Security of IoT ; Catford ; translation shifts ; text equivalent    


本翻译项目的源文本选取苏黎世大学信息学系 CSG Communication Systems Group 在 Computer Science Review 上发表的文章“Landscape of IoT security”,主题主要围绕近 年来物联网安全的技术发展和行业现状。本文以此为分析目标,借助卡特福德翻译转换 理论,对典型的科技类文本进行不同层面的翻译转换分析,并结合原文中的网络安全发 展现状和技术特征确定译文的措辞风格以及专业逻辑,探索物联网背景下科技文献的中 英差异化表达以及翻译转换风格。

作为标准科技文献,该翻译材料用词简洁严谨,专业逻辑性强,在词汇层面大量使 用专有名词,作为翻译任务应准确表达原文内容,单词选取需要专业准确,翻译需要流 畅自然,同时要避免翻译空洞和逻辑混乱。因此,本文以卡特福德翻译转换理论的语言 学分析模型为指导,在翻译过程中以必要的形式调整为代价来做到“文本等值”,实现 文本内容和表达方式的合理转换;文中以“范畴转换”为切入点,重点分析了句法结构 和词汇类别的转换过程,以及跨越不同语法级阶的单位转换;着眼于科技文本的行文特 点和术语表达,解决翻译过程中的困难和不确定性。翻译及分析过程符合科技文本翻译 内容重于形式的要求,使原文的内容和概念能够完整、流利地表达出来。

通过此次翻译实践过程以及翻译理论的分析研究工作,笔者总结了英汉科技翻译的 规律和特点,加强了对翻译转换理论的理解能力和应用能力,为将来科技文本的翻译工 作提供一定的经验和参考。


The source text for this translation project is an article titled "Landscape of IoT Security" published by the CSG Communication Systems Group at the University of Zurich in Computer Science Review. The article focuses on the technological developments and industry trends in IoT security in recent years. This paper uses the article as its analytical target and employs the Catford's translation shifts theory to analyze and transform the typical technical text at different levels. Based on the development status and technical characteristics of network security in the original text, the translation strategy and professional logic are determined to explore the translation transformation style and the differences in the expression of technical literature between Chinese and English under the background of the IoT .

As a standard technical document, this translation material uses concise and rigorous language with strong professional logic. It extensively uses proprietary terms at the lexical level. The translation task requires accurate expression of the content of the original text with precise and professional word choices, fluent and natural language, and avoidance of empty translation and logical confusion. Therefore, this paper aims to follow the linguistic analysis model of Catford's translation transformation theory as a guide and adjust the form as necessary to achieve "text equivalent" in the translation process, thus realizing the reasonable transformation of text content and expression. The paper focuses on "category transformation" as an entry point, analyzing the transformation process of syntax structure and lexical categories, as well as unit transformation which across different grammatical levels. Focusing on the writing characteristics and terminology expression of technical texts to address difficulties and uncertainties in the translation process. The translation and analysis process conforms to the requirement that the content is more important than the form in technical text translation, ensuring the complete and fluent expression of the content and concepts of the original text.

Through this translation practice and the analysis and research of translation theory, the author summarizes the rules and characteristics of English-Chinese technical translation, strengthens the comprehension and application of translation transformation theory, and provides experience and reference for future translation of technical texts.

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