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 The Study on Allocation of Medical and Health Resources ——A case study in Xi’an    


 医疗卫生资源与服务配置 ; 公平性 ; 可达性 ; 分级诊疗 ; 供需匹配    


 Allocation of health resources and services ; Fairness ; Accessibility ; Hierarchical Medical System ; Supply and demand matching    






“Seeing a doctor is difficult and expensive” is a long-time problem that bother Chinese people.It is caused by the unbalance allocation of medical resources. The difference of medical resources’ amount and level between Tertiary Hospitals and Hierarchical Medical System led to distrust of health service in Hierarchical Medical System, patients with common diseases would like to see a doctor in the Tertiary Hospital no matter how much time and distance costs, which make great burden on the operation, also caused many negative social influence. Nowadays, medical problems have been paid close attention by government, several policies have been published to relief the problem, such as Hierarchical Medical System. Under the background of new medical reform, It is urgent and necessary to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis about the allocation of medical resources.


This paper firstly introduced the background of medical resource’s allocation, elaborated the meaning of the study. After summarizing the related study, defining the conception about medical resources, the research system was built by analysis of fairness、supply and demand matching model. In this paper, Xi'an was selected as the object of case analysis. From the macroscopic view, the fairness of supply between regions in Xi'an for the 2009-2016 years were described and analyzed by enhanced index of resource distribution and Kakwani. Then accessibility to health care facilities based on service radius was proposed to evaluate the fairness of accessibility from the spatial view. Based on fairness, the supply and demand matching model is constructed with the goal of maximum satisfaction. The higher the satisfaction is, the better fairness of the demand is satisfied. The model guided the use of resources and patient services from the micro view. In the end, with the combination of macro and micro views, the goal of optimize the allocation、improving use efficiency of resources and satisfaction of patients were achieved.


The main results were as follows:The allocation of medical resources in regions is basically fair. The quality of medical resources allocation in Xi'an has gradually improved form the perspective of time. And the amount of health resources has dominated by the central area, the disparity between the central eastern、western regions is narrowing. The coordinated development of various regions should be strengthened to decrease the differences in urban and rural areas. From the view of accessibility, considered the difference of grade and regional distribution characteristics of the hospital, the service radius factors are used to enhance two-step floating catchment area method, The accessibility decreased from northwest to Southeast. According to the characteristics of Hierarchical Medical System, considering the two cases: referral and non-referral, we divide the medical group according to the actual situation of doctors, The fairness of patient was taken into account. The allocation with higher patient satisfaction was finally obtained by calculating the example. The analysis about allocation of Xian’ medical resources provides a theoretical support for the formulation of medical reform policy, also provides a scientific analysis method and reference for optimization.

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