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 管理学 - 公共管理* - 公共管理    
























 Research on Micro-corruption governance at the Grass-roots Level in X County    


 微腐败 ; 基层干部 ; 监督体系    


 Micro corruption ; Grassroots cadres ; Supervision system    







Micro-corruption refers to corruption cases and acts that do not constitute a crime and are only subject to party and government disciplinary sanctions or handled by other organizations. Statistics show that more than 95 percent of the corruption cases handled by party and government organs and grassroots organizations at the county level and below are micro-corruption. Micro-corruption in grass-roots party and government organs and their grass-roots organizations at the county level and below is a key area for micro-corruption governance. It is of great significance to further explore the governance of micro-corruption at the county level and below.


Taking County X as an example, between 2017 and 2020, among the grassroots cadres in County X who were punished for micro-corruption, 2% violated political discipline, 54% were economically corrupt, 21% were lax in work style, and 23% were corrupted in life, showing a micro-corruption problem structure based on economic problems and supplemented by work style and life style. The X County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has investigated and dealt with a total of 196 cases of corruption and work style problems around the masses in 2021 alone, through grasping work style and carrying out special rectification; 40 clues were collected, 10 people were organized and handled, 22 people were given party discipline and government sanctions, and 2 people were transferred to judicial organs; Carry out special governance, investigate and collect 6 clues about problems, file and investigate 18 people, organize and deal with 3 people, recover more than 200,000 yuan of financial funds, and transfer 8 relevant personnel suspected of violations and crimes to the county public security organs for handling. However, the problem of micro-corruption is still prominent, the situation of micro-corruption governance is still very serious, and the understanding and attention to the phenomenon of micro-corruption is insufficient. Negative culture influence, social response is not consistent enough; Supervision and implementation are not in place, and the village-level supervision system is lacking; "Beforehand" supervision is not in place, and "after" punishment is not timely. The existence of these phenomena is mainly due to the lack of daily education and management of cadres; Institutional construction is not yet complete; There are deficiencies in performance appraisal and imperfect incentive mechanisms; The role of full-time supervisory bodies and the role of supervision are still inadequate; Audit and financial oversight are sometimes difficult to extend.


From the perspective of the specific situation of County X, to further do a good job in micro-corruption governance, first, we must pay attention to the source of micro-corruption governance, strengthen ideological understanding, and strengthen cadre education and daily management; Second, it is necessary to strengthen the institutional embankment of micro-corruption governance, and further improve and timely review and repair the shortcomings of the system; The third is to attach importance to the material and psychological counseling of micro-corruption governance, attach importance to the ways to realize the reasonable material and spiritual interests of public servants, and smooth the channels for realization; Fourth, effectively increase the intensity of punishment for micro-corruption and increase deterrence.


Through questionnaire survey method, interview method, literature method, case analysis method and other research methods, the results show that although the problem of "micro-corruption" is small, its impact is very bad, which is not conducive to the formation of a good political ecology. Paying attention to the problem of micro-corruption and promptly and severely punishing micro-corruption can effectively reduce the occurrence of "small and medium-sized corruption" and "large corruption", and at the same time do a good job in ideological construction and system construction, and promote the construction of "do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupted, and do not want to be corrupt" as a whole, and contribute discipline inspection forces to our country jumping out of the law of historical cycles.

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