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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 Research on Engels' Theory of Two Kinds of Production and Its Contemporary Enlightenment    


 两种生产 ; 人口理论 ; 计划生育 ; 生态环境    


 Two kinds of production ; population theory ; family planning ; ecological environment    





以当代视野重新审视“两种生产”的发展和在新时代中国的实践运用,“两种生产理”论作为新时代处理复杂社会问题、把握社会历史发展一般规律的科学理论。一方面,它自觉将绿色发展、生态文明纳入两种生产理论之中。另一方面 , 不断调整我国人口生育计划政策,努力实现经济、社会、生态、人口、政治之间的综合平衡,从而在历史唯物主义基础上保持马克思主义鲜活生命力,在正确理论指导下更好的建设中国特色社会主义。


On the basis of historical materialism, Engels solved the mystery of the historical development of human society through the classical elaboration of the theory of "two kinds of production", and revealed the general laws of the development of human social systems and the evolution of marriage and family forms. It is an important theoretical resource to adhere to the standpoint of dialectical materialism to treat the problems of economic and social development. Based on historical materialism, this paper explores the latest theoretical achievements of the Sinicization of the theory of "two kinds of production". On the one hand, it is conducive to enriching the theory of "two kinds of production", making up for the blank in the prehistory of Marx's historical materialism and consolidating the foundation of historical materialism. On the other hand, it will help China adjust the new population and fertility policy according to the changing conditions of the times, constantly realize the balance between population and production, and then realize the comprehensive virtuous cycle among politics, economy, culture, ecology and resources in the new era.

Based on Engels' theory of "two kinds of production", this paper systematically expounds the guiding significance of "two kinds of production" to China in the new era on the basis of in-depth analysis and understanding. Engels' theory of "two kinds of production" fully draws on the rich theories of "material means production and population production" of Malthus, Morgan, Marx and others. Malthus opened the prelude to the debate on the relationship between population and environment by discussing the imbalance between population growth and natural material data in population theory. In his book ancient society, Morgan restored the history of social development from the barbaric age to the civilized age from the perspective of two kinds of production. On the basis of criticizing Malthus, Marx and Engels put forward the complexity of the impact of science and technology and ecology on the two kinds of production, sublimated the critical results into the theory of "two kinds of production", and made a classic exposition in the book origin. However, Engels' exposition is not only carried out from the two aspects of "population production" and "material means production", but also includes the exploration of marriage and family issues, how private ownership and class came into being with the development of productive forces and production relations, the gradual disintegration of clan system and the origin of the state. These views help us to comprehensively, profoundly and systematically grasp the theory of "two kinds of production". In addition, in his later years, Engels carefully analyzed the new changes in the historical development process, had a new understanding of socialism and capitalism, re studied the previous material production and boldly questioned it, found "people" from the vast "material pile", abandoned the "material determinism" of machinery, and greatly enriched and developed historical materialism on the basis of "two kinds of production".

According to Engels' theory of "two kinds of production", the contradiction between material means production and population production is the basic contradiction in the process of human social development, and the adjustment of population policy needs to be aimed at economic development. Under the influence of economic factors, marriage and family present different family forms in different historical stages. The development of the whole social history to the present stage is essentially a history of continuous adjustment and mutual adaptation of the two kinds of production in the dimensions of quantity, quality, space and time. In China, the successful implementation of China's family planning policy has opened up a new realm of Engels' theory of "two kinds of production". China's family planning policy has been constantly adjusted and revised in light of China's national conditions and the new characteristics of social and historical development. However, the theory of "two kinds of production" is no longer a simple relationship between "population" and "material" under the background of the new era. Science and technology, environment and ecology have also become important factors affecting the two kinds of production in the new era.

The development of the two kinds of production and their practical application in China in the new era are re examined from the contemporary perspective. The two kinds of production theories are regarded as scientific theories to deal with complex social problems and grasp the general laws of social and historical development in the new era. On the one hand, it consciously brings green development and ecological civilization into the two production theories. On the other hand, we should constantly adjust China's population and family planning policies and strive to achieve a comprehensive balance among economy, society, ecology, population and politics, so as to maintain the vitality of Marxism on the basis of historical materialism and better build socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of correct theories.

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