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 管理学 - 公共管理* - 公共管理    
























 Research on Problems and Countermeasures of urban Community Governance in G District of W City    


 城市社区 ; 城市社区治理 ; 对策 ; 服务 ; 自治    


 urban community ; urban community governance ; countermeasures ; service ; autonomy    








Community is the microcosm of macro society and the most basic unit for studying society. The study of community governance is extremely important for both the community itself and the entire society. The level of community governance affects the speed of urban development to some extent. Since the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the main social contradictions have changed. In recent years, the COVID-19 epidemic has spread globally, and there are increasing unstable and uncertain factors in the international situation, making the world economic situation complex and severe. Especially in the normalization prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the serious threat of community transmission chain has put forward higher requirements and standards for community governance.


Faced with opportunities and challenges in this series of backgrounds, G District of W City, as a national high-tech zone, has achieved certain results and experience accumulation in previous community governance, but there are still some problems that need to be addressed more scientifically and deeply. In addition, traditional community governance research focuses more on the study of a specific community governance model, but from the macro perspective of the government, there are relatively few comprehensive, systematic, and universal studies on the community governance measures at the municipal district level. In terms of the current development status of urban community governance in G District of W City, government governance still plays a major role. How to provide more resource supply and support to communities, effectively handle the relationship between resident satis faction and participation, fully mobilize residents' enthusiasm for participating in self-governance, and how to achieve effective co-governance of multiple subjects in communities are all issues worthy of research and exploration through scientific methods.


This study takes the urban community governance in G District of W City as the research object, based on new public management theory, stakeholder theory, social responsibility theory and safe community theory as theoretical basis, combined with previous research experience, attempts to summarize the current situation of urban community governance in G District of W City through social investigation, using mixed research methods combining quantitative and qualitative research methods such as literature research method, questionnaire survey method, and interview method. Data analysis was performed, this study explores the problems existing in urban community governance in G District of W City, reveals the deep reasons through in-depth interviews.


In response to the problems in urban community governance in G district of W city, based on extensive reference and reference to advanced experience in community governance at home and abroad to form inspiration for urban community governance in G district of W city, combined with the current economic and social development status of G district in W city and policies and regulations at all levels in central and provincial cities, the author proposes to enhance community service level through strengthening empowerment, resource guarantee, and team building, realize community self-governance, and assume the functions of residents' self-management, self-service, self-education, and self-supervision. Finally, the solution to modernize the system and capacity of grassroots governance is proposed.


Finally, the author summarizes the basic conclusions of this study, points out the limitations of this study and prospects for future research, in order to put forward constructive suggestions for urban community governance in G District of W City and provide reference for other community governance to some extent.

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