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 Research on labeled sample compression schemes    


 最大类 ; 样本压缩方案 ; 递归算法 ; VC维数 ; 不冲突条件    


 Maximum classes ; Sample compression scheme ; Recursive algorithm ; VC dimension ; Non-clashing condition    



(1) 受到最大类无标签样本压缩方案的启发,针对 Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) 维数为 d 的最大类,本文给出了一个递归压缩算法,并证明其压缩结果是大小不超过 d 的带标签子样本。随后将递归压缩算法与先前两种带标签压缩算法进行比较,证明三种算法在最大类的情况下输出结果一致。本文给出的递归压缩算法与先前已有的重构算法组成了最大类的一个大小为 d 的新的带标签样本压缩方案。该项工作建立了最大类的无标签样本压缩方案与有标签样本压缩方案之间的联系,这为最大类的带标签样本压缩研究提供了新的算法。

(2) 最大类的任何两个概念对于无标签样本压缩方案的表示映射满足不冲突性是保证无标签样本压缩方案存在的重要条件。一个自然的要求是:若一个概念类的带标签样本压缩方案存在,则概念类中任意两个概念对于带标签样本压缩函数满足不冲突条件。考虑两种特殊的概念类——最大类和极端类,利用最大类单包含图中任意两端点的最短路径与汉明距离之间的关系,证明了该要求对于最大类成立。进一步,考虑到最大类是一种特殊的极端类,本文将该要求推广至极端类的带标签样本压缩函数,并给出严格证明。该项工作对带标签样本压缩方案的研究提供了新的思路。

本文研究了最大类和极端类的带标签样本压缩方案。对于一般的概念类,任意两个概念是否分别存在大小为其 VC 维数的带标签子集满足不冲突条件需要进一步研究。


With the development of information technology, the scale of data is growing explosively. As an important means of efficient storage and transmission of information, data compression is widely used in many fields. Sample compression is an important research direction in the field of statistical learning. The sample compression scheme of concept class is divided into labeled compression and unlabeled compression. The compression process is realized by the learning algorithm, and the compression ability can ensure good generalization performance. This paper focuses on the labeled sample compression scheme, and the specific work is as follows
(1) Inspired by the maximum class unlabeled sample compression scheme, this paper presents a recursive compression algorithm for the maximum classes with Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension of d, and proves that the compression result is a labeled subsample of size at most d. Then the recursive compression algorithm is compared with the previous two labeled compression algorithms, and it is proved that the output results of the three algorithms are consistent in the case of the maximum class. The recursive compression algorithm presented in this paper together with previously existing reconstruction algorithms form a new labeled sample compression scheme of size d for the maximum classes. This work establishes the relationship between the unlabeled sample compression scheme and the labeled sample compression scheme for the maximum classes, which provides a new algorithm for the research of the labeled sample compression for the maximum classes.

(2) It is an important condition to ensure the existence of the unlabeled sample compression scheme that the representation mapping of any two concepts of the maximum class satisfies the non-clashing property. A natural requirement is that if a labeled sample compression scheme exists for a concept class, then any two concepts in the concept class satisfy the non-clashing condition with respect to the labeled sample compression function. Considering two special concept classes, maximum class and extreme class, we prove that the requirement holds for maximum classes by using the relationship between the shortest path and Hamming distance of any two end points in the maximum class one inclusion graph. Furthermore, considering that the maximum class is a special extreme class, we extend the requirement to the labeled sample compression function of the extreme classes, and a strict proof is given. This work provides a new idea for the research of labeled sample compression scheme.

In this paper, the compression schemes of labeled samples for the maximum classes and the extreme classes are investigated. For general concept classes, whether there exist labeled subsets of size VC dimension of any two concepts satisfying the non-clashing condition requires further investigation.

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