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 Study on Urban Parking Demand Forecasting     


 静态交通 ; 停车需求预测 ; 停车管理 ; LSTM神经网络 ; 政策建议    


 static traffic ; parking space prediction ; planning management ; LSTM neural network ; policy suggestion    








In recent years, with the rapid development of urban economy, the number of automobiles in X city has been growing rapidly and continuously, reaching 3.6 million by the end of 2019. While bringing convenience to people's life, cars also lead to prominent contradiction between urban parking supply and demand, which not only affects the normal traffic order, but also causes a series of problems such as difficult parking and illegal parking. The contradiction between supply and demand of urban parking has attracted great attention from city managers and scholars. Local governments have issued a series of parking management policies, and the research results in related fields are also increasing continuously. Therefore, it is of practical significance to predict the total demand of urban parking resources at macro level and make full use of urban parking resources at micro level.


In this paper, an empirical method is adopted to objectively analyze the current situation of parking supply and demand in X city, to sort out the causes of the prominent contradiction between parking supply and demand, and to forecast and analyze parking demand from macro and micro levels.


At the macro level, the total parking demand of X city in the next 5 years is forecasted. As the urban vehicle ownership is the key variable forecasting of city parking demand total, so in this paper, the influence factors of urban vehicle ownership is analyzed, and then select X city in 2001-2019 population, GDP, urban residents per capita disposable income and total retail sales of social consumer goods, investment in fixed assets, and motor vehicle ownership of data, A multivariate regression prediction model for vehicle ownership was established. Through model test, it is found that there is multicollinearity. After eliminating the independent variables with strong correlation, the multiple regression prediction model of motor vehicle ownership on total population and total retail sales of social consumer goods is obtained. The prediction accuracy of the model is high, which verifies the effectiveness of the model. The forecast results show that in 2025, the number of motor vehicles in X city will reach 5.82 million. According to the predicted value of vehicle ownership and the elastic demand coefficient, the total parking demand in X city will reach 6.9 million in 2025, among which the demand for basic parking berths is 5.82 million and the demand for flexible parking berths is 1.08 million.


At the micro level, it is not feasible to construct a large number of parking facilities in the short term considering the limitations of land and capital in X city. Therefore, this paper makes short-term prediction of parking demand in specific areas to realize parking induction, in order to improve the utilization rate of parking resources. Specific to select X city in 2017, 55 million road parking data in data preprocessing, selects the representative small village business circle as the research object, parking lot vehicle parking rules analysis, and USES the BP model and the model of parking demand for short-term prediction based on LSTM, predicting small village business circle in the parking lot under different time intervals of effective number of parking garages. The results show that the prediction accuracy of LSTM based short-term parking demand model is higher than that of BP model, and the prediction effect is better.


On this basis, combined with the findings in the related research process of the paper and the prediction results of parking parking demand at macro and micro levels, the paper puts forward policy suggestions for urban parking management, hoping to help improve the urban parking environment to some extent.

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