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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 思想政治教育    






















 Research on the Long-term Mechanism of College Students ' Volunteer Service from the Perspective of Shared Development    


 大学生志愿服务 ; 共享发展‘’长效机制    


 college students volunteer service ; shared development ; long-term mechanism    





In October 2015, at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward five development concepts, in which the fundamental goal of the concept of shared development is to achieve more and better development results for all people, focusing on solving the problem of fairness and justice, and trying to achieve a higher level of sharing in the continuous development of social economy. As an " extracurricular form " of ideological and political education courses in colleges and universities, college students ' volunteer service plays an important role in the development of ideological and political education activities, the improvement of effects, and the promotion of college students ' growth. At the same time, the development level of volunteer service reflects the progress of a society to a certain extent. Volunteer service plays an important role in promoting social harmony and progress, social fairness and justice, social stability and development, and is an important way to achieve shared development.The research on the long-term mechanism of college students ' voluntary service from the perspective of shared development is an important perspective of college students ' voluntary service research, an important measure to meet the development needs of voluntary service in the new era, and a key part of the shared development goal in the new era. It has important theoretical and practical significance to promote the sharing of college students ' voluntary service, promote the realization of sharing goals, and promote the establishment and improvement of long-term mechanism.


Starting from the concept of shared development and the basic concept of volunteer service, this paper analyzes the current development status and existing problems of college students ' volunteer service on the basis of exploring the internal relationship between the two. Using the methods of literature research and questionnaire analysis, combined with the collected data and data, this paper analyzes the existing problems of college students ' volunteer service, and explores the causes of the problems. On this basis, it puts forward a realistic solution path consistent with the goal of shared development concept. The first part of this paper mainly introduces the research background and significance of this paper, the research status at home and abroad, the research ideas and contents, and the main research methods and innovations of this paper. The second part mainly combs the related concepts of shared development concept and college students ' volunteer service, and the basic theory related to this paper ; in the third part, it mainly explores the internal logical relationship between the concept of shared development and college students ' volunteer service, including the internal fit of the two, volunteer service to help shared development, and shared development to guide volunteer service. The fourth part combines the self-made questionnaire to investigate the college students ' understanding of volunteer service and the current situation of college students ' participation in volunteer service, and summarizes the problems existing in students ' participation in volunteer service, and analyzes the causes of the problems on this basis. The fifth part is based on the analysis of the data and the analysis of the status quo, and puts forward the principles and paths to establish and improve the long-term mechanism of volunteer service. Its path mainly includes improving the ideological and political education function of college students ' volunteer service, improving the construction of volunteer service organization and leadership mechanism, promoting the construction of operation and management mechanism, strengthening the construction of incentive and promotion mechanism, and promoting the construction of guarantee and evaluation mechanism. Finally, the main points of this paper are summarized, the shortcomings of the existing research are put forward, and the future is prospected.

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