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 管理学 - 公共管理* - 公共管理    
























 Research the Logistics Service of Office Affairs in District B    


 机关事务 ; 服务型政府 ; 机关后勤社会化改革    


 Government affairs ; Service oriented government ; Socialized reform of government organs and logistic    





The management of government affairs is an important part of promoting the modernization of the national governance system, and the reform and optimization of its system is related to the improvement of the national governance capacity. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), with the need for the modernization of national governance capacity and governance system, the service and guarantee capacity of government affairs management departments urgently needs to be improved. In June 2021, the National Government Offices Administration issued the 14th Five-Year Plan for Government Offices Affairs, which clearly pointed out that "we should make overall use of the development advantages of social service industries, further open up the market for government offices' logistics services, increase the purchase of services from social forces, and realize a fuller role of the market and a more accurate link between supply and demand. Combined with the actual situation, we will improve the purchase logistics service management system, formulate the guidance catalogue and quota standards for the purchase of logistics services by government agencies, improve the purchase procedures, strengthen the performance management, establish and improve the quality supervision, evaluation and assessment mechanism of logistics services, and improve the standardization level." [1] In this context, in accordance with the principle of centralized and unified management, District B's office affairs service center actively promotes the socialization reform of office logistics services, continuously expands the scope of reform, and builds a diligent, frugal and efficient service-oriented government system.

In this paper, by investigating the current situation of the socialization reform of the logistics service of the office affairs service center in District B, and sorting out relevant domestic and foreign literature, under the guidance of the new public management theory, public governance theory and service-oriented government theory, the key areas of socialization reform represented by property management, office canteen, conference service, security and so on are studied. In view of the current problems existing in the socialization reform of District B organ logistics service, this paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to deepen the socialization reform of district B organ logistics service. The main methods used in the study were questionnaires, interviews and literature research. Through the questionnaire survey and in-depth interview with the leaders of higher organs, leaders and staff of District B organs, visiting people and employees of socialized enterprises, the collection and collation of meeting minutes, rules and regulations, organizational evolution and working process data of District B organ affairs service center have a full understanding of its operation mechanism and management status quo. Through the analysis, it is found that after the socialization reform of the logistics service of the organs in District B, the service satisfaction has been significantly improved, the centralized management of logistics affairs has initially shown scale effect, the informatization and standardization construction have made some progress, and the administrative operation cost has been continuously reduced. At the same time, there are also problems such as imperfect management system, low level of socialization, uneven quality of personnel, low integration degree of safety work, and weak links in vehicle management. Through questionnaire survey and interview, combined with the author's work practice in the unit, this paper analyzes the reasons for the problems in the socialization reform of logistics services in District B from five aspects, such as the system and mechanism is not smooth, the management thinking lag, the lack of restraint and supervision, the weak system construction, and the tight financial guarantee. On this basis, according to the actual situation of District B's office affairs, this paper puts forward 14 specific countermeasures and suggestions in 5 aspects, including changing management thinking, straightening out the system and mechanism, reforming the personnel system, establishing and improving the supervision mechanism and promoting the informatization construction, providing a new perspective and thinking for the socialization reform of the logistics service of district and county organs.


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