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 经济学 - 应用统计*    
























 Research of Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on Pointer Network    


 命名实体识别 ; Transformer模型 ; 指针网络 ; 对抗训练 ; 学习率调整    


 Named Entity Recognition ; Transformer Model ; Pointer Network ; Adversarial Training ; Learning Rate Adjustment    





       (3)基于上述两点,本文提出先使用Reltransformer编码再使用“globalspan”全局片段解码的组合模型,再将对抗训练加入组合模型并采用学习率调整策略对模型进行优化以提高模型的泛化能力和鲁棒性。首先,将对抗训练中的Fast Gradient Method加入模型,并探究0.1、0.3和0.5三种不同的对抗因子对组合模型性能的提升效果,根据不同的数据集任务特点选用不同的对抗因子。其次,采用warmup学习率调整策略对模型的学习率趋势进行调整,分别对比线性趋势和非线性趋势两种方法,以便为模型选择合适的学习率下降趋势。实验结果表明优化后的组合模型F1值提高约3%,从而验证了组合模型的可行性和有效性。


Today, AI has been integrated into all aspects of life and become a part of life. As one of the hot fields, natural language processing is developing unstoppably. Named entity recognition task is the top priority of natural language processing. This paper focuses on the task of named entity recognition and is devoted to solving the problem of nested entity recognition by using the idea of pointer network. Adversarial training and learning rate adjustment strategies were also added to model to improve its generalization ability and robustness. Therefore, the named entity recognition can be further developed. The main work was summarized as follows:

(1) By analyzing the characteristics of the named entity recognition task, this paper proposed to integrate the relative position information of the text into the self-attention layer of the Transformer encoder and record it as the Reltransformer encoder, thus breaking through the limitation that the traditional Transformer encoder only contains absolute position information. The use of Reltransformer encoder can improve the model’s ability to understand the text and improve the F1 value recognized. The experimental results show that under the premise of using the same decoder, the F1 value of the model recognition using the Reltransformer encoder is about 1.2% higher than that of the traditional Transformer encoder.

(2)By analyzing the characteristics of the nested entity recognition task, the “globalspan” decoding method is proposed. The decoding mode of globalspan is based on the scoring mode of “globalpointer” idea in the pointer network, and the representation method of span features is added to the calculation of the scoring function. This decoding mode can not only solve the problem of nested entity recognition effectively, but also reduce the computational complexity of the model and improve the parameter utilization rate through parallel operation. The experimental results show that, under the premise of using the same encoder, the F1 value of model recognition is improved by about 0.9% compared with the “globalpointer” decoding, about 1.2% compared with the span permutation decoding, and the model training time is shortened by about five-eighths.

(3)On this basis, this paper proposed a combination model that first uses Reltransformer encoding and then “globalspan” decoding. Adversarial training is added to the combination model, and learning rate adjustment strategy is adopted to optimize the model, so as to improve its generalization ability and robustness. First, the adversarial training Fast Gradient Method was added to the model, and the effects of three different adversarial factors 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 on the performance of the combination model were explored. According to the task characteristics of different data sets, different adversarial factors were selected. Secondly, the warmup learning rate adjustment strategy was used to adjust the learning rate trend of the model, and the linear trend and nonlinear trend methods are compared, so as to select the appropriate learning rate decline trend for the model. Finally, the experimental results show that the F1 value of the optimized combination model increases by about 3%, which indicates the feasibility and effectiveness of the combination model.

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