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 管理学 - 工程管理* - 工程管理    
























 Research on the output and contribution of achievements in the field of industrial Internet from the perspective of innovation chain    


 创新链 ; 工业互联网 ; 领域成果分析框架 ; 创新成果贡献度    


 Innovation chain ; Industrial Internet ; Domain achievement analysis framework ; Innovation achievement contribution    








With the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, countries have begun to implement the industrial Internet strategy, and China has included the development of the industrial Internet into the national development strategy. Innovation achievements are the key basic elements driving industrial development, and it is of great significance to clarify the research status of the results of each link of the innovation chain and their contribution to industrial development, so that relevant government departments can grasp the research status of the industrial Internet field and promote scientific and technological innovation in this field. Therefore, this study analyzes the research subjects, research hotspots and evolution trends in the field of industrial Internet from the perspective of innovation chain, and measures the contribution of innovation to industrial development. On this basis, the shortcomings of the current development in this field are discussed, and the development of the industrial Internet field is provided.


(1) Construction of an analysis framework for research results in the field of industrial Internet from the perspective of innovation chain. The analysis methods of current innovation achievements are summarized, and the concept, structure and research status of innovation chain are sorted out. In order to explore the overall development of the industrial Internet field, the analysis framework of the development of field achievements is constructed from the perspective of innovation chain, which mainly includes three modules: industrial research results analysis, industrial research subject analysis and industrial research hotspot and evolution analysis. According to the characteristics and analysis needs of the research results of each link of the innovation chain, the data source and analysis method of each link of the innovation chain were determined.


(2) Analysis of research results in the field of industrial Internet from the perspective of innovation chain. According to the results analysis framework constructed above, the overall status of research results in the field of industrial Internet is analyzed. Firstly, the results of the past ten years are selected as the basic data, and the data is collected in the corresponding databases of each link; Secondly, the research method of descriptive statistics is used to analyze the number of research results in each link in the field of industrial Internet and refine the development stage of industrial research results. Then, the social network analysis method is used to explore the cooperation between the core research subjects and the research subjects in each link of the achievements in the industrial Internet field, and explore the characteristics of the research subjects in the industrial Internet field. Finally, through the dissimilarity matrix calculation, cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scale analysis methods, the hot spots of the research results of each link of the innovation chain are analyzed, and the evolution between each link is analyzed, and the theme and development direction of the research results in the field of industrial Internet are identified.


(3) Analysis of the industrial development contribution of regional achievement innovation in the field of industrial Internet. Firstly, the indicators for measuring the innovation level of achievements are established from the dual dimensions of quantity and quality of achievements, and the innovation level of achievements is evaluated and analyzed. Then, based on the achievement estimation indicators, the achievement contribution measurement model was constructed, and the contribution of achievement innovation to industrial development was analyzed.


(4) Research on industrial development suggestions in the field of industrial Internet in China. Based on the above (2) and (3) research, it is analyzed that there are problems in the development of China's industrial Internet industry, such as low degree of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, insufficient ability to optimize service models, and limited industrial transformation. In view of these problems, corresponding development suggestions are put forward, which provides new ideas for the development of China's industrial Internet industry.

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